Who are the 2 montys?We’re 2 Newcastle based marriage celebrants both named Monty – Monty King Celebrant & Monty Haron from Holymatrimonty.together, we’re the brains and the brawn behind :‘The 2 Montys Charity Wedding Event’ the story so far:2019 - $34500 for camp quality 2020 - $40100 for starlight children’s foundation2021/22 - $55000 for rundipg 2023 - $42000 FOR JENNY’S PLACE2024 - $50000 for The mark hughes foundation Pretty slim odds that there’d be two celebrants with the same name, but instead of being each others biggest competition, we decided to team up together and do something epic in the wedding industry.click the button below to find out more. TAKE ME TO THE 2 MONTYS WEBPAGE